Caleb wanted a drink..he was acting suspicious but I'm looking right at him and not until he put he hands over his mouth so i couldn't see....his Pacy (pappy)...big guy had happily put it in the drawer "i big boy" but had snuck it out and wanted a drink but didn't want me to see his pap..he squealed and ran off when I said ''give me that pappy" which led me to chasing him so I could hear him squeal some more, which led to him saying "get me mommy"..nothin' sweeta than that...which led to a pillow fight of massive proportions (am i using that term correctly?) with Caleb and Walker....upside down swinging, throwing on the couch, throwing them on the beanbag, smashing them with 2 pillows into a sandwich, holding Walker's head over the toilet...upside down...almost didn't mention that one but it happened and he loved it-ha, sweating fun...called 2 time outs to put laundry up...dang laundry always gets in the way of fun..but they didn't seem to understand what time out was b/c on the 2nd attempt as I'm putting laundry in the drawer...c.aleb bit me on the butt. 

Don't let the cuteness fool ya....he's a biter ~
You heard me, my 4 th child let me add something to my "never happened to me list ..but now it has"..and it hurt...and I screamed and he screamed and tore down the hallway..not sure if he thought he was in trouble or had never heard me scream before..and then at dinner tonite I swear he said "thanks butt head" or "poo poo head" ??? So the 2 little men and I are surviving while Liv and Coleman are at Zoey's this week.

Night ended with Walker singing Jesus loves me...."He is weak but I am strong, oh yes, I love Jesus"...need to work on the lyrics