Not this episode but one of many treatments
hmmmmmm, we've all been sick.........I took a nap on Monday...unheard of b/c I had lots of necessary and pressing things to do that day.....so by Wed I was sick sick and realized I wasn't runned down b/c of sick kids up at night but sick sick. I had great plans for the wkend...including reorg closet, shopping, organizing work stuff...which sounds not great -ha but for me to do with no kids is ....but I think i had a record of 20 hrs on the couch under a snuggly blanet watching a zillion taped shows
Thankful for health...Walker has been having a difficult winter school season with respiratory issues, allergies. He has had "croup", "asthma" several times with Alubterol breathing tx, I was thinking to myself...it's been a month of this......one more time and I think we'll go to the MD for some preventative meds. Walker came home from Awanas on a Wed nite coughing with a very slight croupy sound so even though the MDs have said Albuterol doesn't help croup...it does in a pinch...better than the freezer or steam shower...or in conjunction with. So, gave him a breathing tx and off to bed thinking I had warded off a complete attack. Then at 3am, I awoke to him loudly crying and saying "i can't breathe"..i jumped up in a bleary blur saying ok buddy I"ll get you a breathing tx and and walker really really crying hard and saying his head was hurting..now you mothers know...crying and crying are different....one, I'm not worried, two, I"m a little worried and know he is hurting, and then there's the crying...oh crap..something is really wrong. I run over to get some IBprofen when he started trying to cough and then trying to breathing in sharply ..i say try b/c he was gasping it seemed for hair. I dropped the Ibprofen and grapped the Albuterol and quickly put his mask on and went back to the Ibprofen. He is still crying and ripping the mask off saying he coudn't breathe...he was pulling the mask inside out he was breathing so hard..coughing/gasping....nothing like previous croup/asthma attacks...we had gone to the ER before. For me I thought , he is in distress I think...and quickly went from "do i call my mom/dad" to come over and watch the kids so I can take him to the ER to if he doesn't start breathing right I"m might have to call 911---never in the 9 yrs of kids have I ever felt like that . I pulled the cord outside onto the deck in the t/shirt/cold nite....and held him with the mask a little off his face telling him to breathe in /out and rubbing his back in the freezing nite..of course he wanted to know why we were out there. Meanwhile, Coleman woke up and wondered what was going on...I asked him to turn the shower on.....and finally Wa breathing slowed to a more normanl asthma/croup attack with coughing intermittently. After it was over, he slept in my bed and I just watched him as my hand shook and I cried b/c I didn't want to overreact but was so worried he couldn't breathe and so thankful he was resting. I have been to the ER numerous times with Coleman and 1x with Walker for breathing epsisode so I'm not scared we had to go to ER in ...this was the first and only time I was frightened for his airway. So, into the MD next day.....started steroids for croup and preventative meds for asthma...1wk later....his cough seems to be resolving.
He who watches over you will not slumber...Psalm 121:3