Walker got a haircut at the end of April. He did great although i made the mistake of telling him one day when he said he couldn't walk b/c his legs were hurting did he want me to cut his legs off....well it stuck with him and he is always asking if the doctor is going to cut his ear off...or cut Coleman's throat off...b/c of a sore throat so he was worried it was going to hurt to cut his hair even though I have trimmed it at home. He tells everyone "me can no like you...me like my nana"...this includes strangers, his wonderful mother, his teachers so we are working on loving more than one person and not saying things to hurt peoples feelings. He told me "whatever" this week when he couldn't find his clothes on the couch and when I showed them to him he mumbled "whatever" and I said " what did you say?" and started singing "i'm so sorry...I'm so sorry". He's a little obsessed with my mom..takes the phone out of the room to talk and wants me to stay in the other room. When she comes to visit, he asks her the whole time "you staying at my house..you not going home" and when she does leave he cries and pleads "please , don't leave me nana. I want to go with you. I love you nana" I told my mom if you didn't know him you'd think he lived in an abused home but ususally 30 min. later he is ok and I'm his #1 as along as Nana isn't there...but she is always there in our discussions and only mentions her 30x a day..but i'm glad he loves her that much and that she is able to put up with his obsession. Coleman was like this but they lived in AR so she kept him for 2 weeks and he didnt' want to come home when he was around 3 so no telling how bad it would be if she had lived in GA when he was little. Olivia was always a mommy's girl..although she loved nana/poppa's she was noton the obsession level.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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