in 4th grade next year. Coleman played fall baseball and had an awesome team/coaches. First year for player pitch so I think each boy got hit at least once. Coleman played catcher and 3rd and really liked playing catcher (since he has to pay attention ;) ) He also started Boyscouts and has had fun learning how to use a knive, go caving, cubmobile racing, build a doghouse. He says "thanks for signing me up for Boyscouts, it's one of my favorite things!" Olivia started
singing in the children's choir and was part of the Christmas play singing and carrying one of the wise men's trains. Olivia and Walker have started Awanas and their ability to learn verses is amazing. Walker calls it his Awanas boyscouts and loves to do his Cubbie work/lessons and wear his vest on Wed. and earn patches. Caleb hasn't been much of a talker this fall with leaning more on grunting and throwing fits to demon his likes/dislikes. He was put into 2 yr. old bootcamp aroudn 18 months but would sit in time out and calm down. His first words were Poppa, bye, pappy (pacifer) dada, I wuv YOU. He understands what you say and will follow directions. We've have been deeply blessed during this transition and are so grateful for all our family and friends who have supported/cared for us during this time. Hopefully I'll stay more current and post all the (of course) cute happenings around here.

Sooooo glad to see you blogging again! Love you!