so part of me wanted to blog like it was fine no problem that I was the ultimate boyscout camping mom... but it wouldn't be the truth. I'm pretty laid back in most situations unless it's a new situation and I've planned for it and the plan gets changed and I'm way out of my comfort zone...I tend to freak out a tad. I mean I have 3 boys...I've gotta get this camping thing down. We were assigned the the Adirondack campsite with this quaint little pseudo cabins that the men just thought were great..........but the women who had not arrived yet had previously warned me about these..dirty, cobwebby, old mattressy cabins. When I peaked into our cabin (which by the way slept 6 and I was informed it was crowded and we'd have to 'scooch"in and meet new people. ) I thought there is no way I'm sleeping in a cabin with strangers that is about 7x9..I started to hyperventilate and have an anxiety attack while trying to look like I was not freaking out to the excited fathers. In my defense, another mom from another den walked past me in a panic with the same look in her eyes...they ended up setting up a tent in the woods on a hill and slept at a slant-that's how bad these cabins looked! My dad saw my deer in the headlights look ( he was sick and graciously had agreed to accompany me when Stuart couldn't go at the last minute due to April/hospital so he was staying at a local inn at night). I won't lie...I offered my sick father a $100 to stay at camp and let me sneak out at nite and go back to the inn. And when that didn't work, I offered my Dad some $ to go get me some happy helper juice..my sweet deacon daddy..what can I say I was desperate...but came to my senses. I used to be a tomboy somewhat and enjoyed camping.....but it's been a long time for tent camping.....and I"m a sissy....but trying to look like I'm not. I brought bug spray..not the skin kind the Raid kind and fumigated my cabin. Another father came over and was laughing at me, and then BORROWED my bug spray-ha!

Coleman- a close 2nd

Walker and his buddy-vince

Walker and his buddy-vince

SO, we..mainly I ...survived the 2 nite camping trip with alot of fun had by all...campfire, ghost stories, hike in the rain, another hike in the rain with a 40# 4 yr old on my back which made me feel like a 2 pk 20yr smoker, roasting marshmallows, low country boil, hula hoop contest, marshmallows bows, and just hanging with the crew. I attempted cleanliness at first...but it was futile ...although I kept swabbing the kids with wipes...and don't get me started on the bathrooms. BUT I hated it so much, I'd do it again...and when it rained Sat. nite..the cabins rocked and we didn't get wet. The ear plugs helped with the desperate prayer for God to let nothing creepy crawly on me while I slept or at least to be oblivious.
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