How sweet he is (usually when he goes to bed and wakes up)...nite mommy, see u later (wayter), see u in da mornin, saying prayers...have to name everyone, woke him up early to pick walker up from school...he's sleepy face 1/2 awake and watching him in the mirror driving to the school and his sweet squished up face and his little grin..oh wish I could capture it somehow. we pass the horse field and caleb knows their schedule..horses eat bfast?, horses was a new da barn? seepin?, I go to gin nas nics too. (gymnastics)? goin' homemommy? yes, caleb, ooohkay mommy, right now?, it is the terrible twos and figuring out his indep with hitting, being stubborn, not apologizing to his brothers/sister and sitting in time out longer than necess b/c he's mad
driving the tractor in high gear and the look of delight ....won't back down to low gear, slides into the garage.....watchin him.."go way mommy go work"-told him I was working in the garage.
Wearing goggles at the pool...why?, who knows, he could barely see out of them. Realizing you could touch the bottom of the baby pool and letting go of your death grip on me and scooting around the pool. You are a charmer and love to make us in the last pic. So blessed to have you in our family!
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