Night hanging at the Dahonega Square

Potty training.... not so happy at first but ended up getting the hang of it aftera matchbox car suggestion

First dentist appt -age 4, did great!

caleb-you bend down, ready set go with your jaw clenched and run as hard as you can , so cute, watching the movie spirit with the horses and burying you head into my shoulder when you were scared...thanking God for the horses going to bed prayers

Olivia...praying for peace for everyone when coleman was killing the monster spider on the garage wall while I screamed , jumped out of the car , and then settled my self down after reving up the kids. ( spiders aren't my thing...ever...and there is no such thing as a small spider)

coleman...a little helper, buying things at the garage sale...for nana, for me
Coleman and his master lego building skills

walker...being so sweet and sitting during the magic show at Alex's bday party and happy for his friend to get his presents and excited to give him his present

Caleb......swinging the pinata, trying golf...loves all sports, wivia, kalker, knows red, count to 10, likes 5 little monkeys swinging in a tree, alligator purse, wheel on the bus, 'it was a dent, mommy"..it was an accident :)

walker playing the the mud and I asked if he was making mud pies...and he said "no, I"m making my own diarrhea?" I was playing badminton with Coleman at the time and laid down on the driveway laughing until I cried...that child makes me laugh-whew.

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