Monday, June 28, 2010

pillow fight gone bad

Caleb wanted a drink..he was acting suspicious but I'm looking right at him and not until he put he hands over his mouth so i couldn't see....his Pacy (pappy)...big guy had happily put it in the drawer "i big boy" but had snuck it out and wanted a drink but didn't want me to see his pap..he squealed and ran off when I said ''give me that pappy" which led me to chasing him so I could hear him squeal some more, which led to him saying "get me mommy"..nothin' sweeta than that...which led to a pillow fight of massive proportions (am i using that term correctly?) with Caleb and Walker....upside down swinging, throwing on the couch, throwing them on the beanbag, smashing them with 2 pillows into a sandwich, holding Walker's head over the toilet...upside down...almost didn't mention that one but it happened and he loved it-ha, sweating fun...called 2 time outs to put laundry up...dang laundry always gets in the way of fun..but they didn't seem to understand what time out was b/c on the 2nd attempt as I'm putting laundry in the drawer...c.aleb bit me on the butt.
Don't let the cuteness fool ya....he's a biter ~
You heard me, my 4 th child let me add something to my "never happened to me list ..but now it has"..and it hurt...and I screamed and he screamed and tore down the hallway..not sure if he thought he was in trouble or had never heard me scream before..and then at dinner tonite I swear he said "thanks butt head" or "poo poo head" ??? So the 2 little men and I are surviving while Liv and Coleman are at Zoey's this week.

We love attacking our mom

Night ended with Walker singing Jesus loves me...."He is weak but I am strong, oh yes, I love Jesus"...need to work on the lyrics

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chess Game of the Century

Coleman was in the chess club at his last school and loved it...I guess I thought I was trying to balance out sports and thought it would be "academic?"...whatever my reasoning he loved it but hasn't played in awhile. Unkey (his spelling my spelling is uncie) my brother played him and it was a draw to Stuart's surprise. Very fun to watch

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sound of Music

Nothing makes me happier...than introducing my 2 younger boys to the Sound of Music and them loving it. It started with me singing ...these are a few of my fave things in my fab voice while making breakfast ......they wanted more so while they ate bfast I played Sounds of Music songs. They both were mesmerized and loved watching it on the computer. OFF to school but came home and watched the movie..mainly fast forwarding to the fun sound of music. :) Fave things, do-re-mi, and the goat herder/play song were their faves.