Well as my baby is 2...never thought I was going to be sad about that but for some reason I'm a little melancholy. As my sister-in-law says "he's not a baby anymore" I've been looking back at the other kids pics from this age and it's like everyone says.."it goes so fast" Couple of things I want to remember about Caleb at this age...crosses if and mf to show he's 2. says "O-kay" like forest gump when you say let's do...... "tank u mommy "or whoever hands him something. Likes for you to say "run" and he runs a circle around the house and waits for you to say run again. loves his "pappy" and ask for it "pappy?" all the time and then says "no pappy'" love that he is a cuddler, love to sit in my lap "wap. mommy?" comes over and give a hug. Loves his bed and although will say "no nite nite" when he is ready waves good-nite to everyone, wants to hold hands to say prayers and mumbles along with me and then says "AMEN" , lies down on his pillow and I cover him with his blanket. When he is in trouble or not getting what he wants starts a full blown wail with tears and wraps his arms around my legs and buries his head b/t my knees and cries as if his heart is breaking . (while I laugh ;) Loves to talk to strangers and engage them and talk and talk in jarble. In general, a very good baby with a bright agreeable disposition. very blonde/white hair and very blue eyes. Ok but has some fits/screaming jags with multiple timeouts over and over and sometimes when I say you are going to time out he will say "o-kay and go put himself in time out).

Made peace with the bday hat..school bus calms anyone
Eats alot..call it the caleb eating fund....oatmeal, applesauce, ice cream, pudding, fruit, ok pretty much everything except green veggies. He can eat 2 hot dogs, peaches, applesauce. watching christmas shows and when saw santa says "ho, ho ho"...random but at least it's down for the record..pretty good for the 4th child.

And best present of the night.....a flashlight ...now he doesn't have to "borrow"/steal his older siblings
The first picture CRACKED me up!!!