A couple of thing I want to remember....riding bikes on the bike path with the ocean as our view. I told the kids..not to many places you can ride your bike right by the ocean. Alot of snowbirds were down there and they and my kids enjoyed interacting with each other. Walker was not keeping up on the training wheel bike so I ending up renting a bike with a carrier. He had a blast! He would say hello to the people we passed.
Although , at one interesection, there were 3 snowbirds and I said hello as I slowed and went by them and Walker starts to speak with me not worried in the least what he was going to say until I hear " SO Long SUCKAS!" As I looked back...they were not amused! I apologized as I'm pedaling away....saying "Walker ...you can't say that to strangers! It's disrespectful! It's OK to joke around with your family /liv and coleman" Meanwhile I'm laughing b/c it cracks me up. Walker said he was sorry and on the way back was crouching down saying he was hiding from those people and was't going to talk with them.

Coleman loved riding my bike and the freedom I gave him to ride his bike inside the gated community. Olivia still doesn't love the beach...somehow the ocean water stings her legs and she break out in bumps but enjoyed her sitting in my lap at the beach/ buying us matching rings, shopping with Coleman and Olivia in Apalachicola with Nana and Aunt Cathy. The kids all working together to build a sand castle. Meeting the dog "Teddy" that looked like black bear. (a Bouvier) Wish I had gotten a pic of him with the kids. Walker started yelling "its a bear...it's a black bear" and talking to his owner who lives on the beach and has a house in Atlanta while his wife lives in N.J and child is in boarding school-different lifestyle but he was very kind and told my Aunt Cathy he was impressed with the kids' behaviour so that was nice. We looked forward to Teddy coming out for his walks- he was HUGE!

me waiting for Walker on the beach as a runs yellong "wait for me mommy....tanks mommy, will you hold my hand " (Ugh, I'm such a sap but hate the day he won't want to do it...makes up for all the times I"m at my wit's end )and he held my hand walking on the beach by ourselves for it seemed like a mile.

I feel like we needed this quiet time to get away..the kids and I....to just recover , have fun, and be with each other. I feel like I've been on survival mode since July. Every experience is "new" and the "first time" which sometimes is overwhelmingly heartbreaking and sad but in a Hallmark quirky way I feel like God is whispering "see, you guys are going to be OK. You can do this". So all the walks, bike rides, watching the kids play, watching the dolphins, the waves were therapeutic in a way...life goes on....just in a different way. So I'm packing up to go home-back to reality with the hopes I have a clearer head and the memories to help with the upcoming hard times. St. George is always great...I have been there as a teenager in college, newly married, and now yearly with my kids and hopefully I'd love to bring my grandkids here.
I love you!