Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random end of summer/school 2010

great badminton game

Walker helping Unkey

Caleb helping :)

Coleman and assistant Walker with lego masterpiece-boat

Caleb haircut...not crying

Unkey building a shelf with the boys

Unicoi state park, playing in the creek

After the hike

oh my- I love em

Caleb not liking the squeaking of the crank pulling the food to the goats


walker explaining why his papa wendl is bald...his brain grew to big and it shot his hair out of his head.
walker and caleb are like two old men watching the badminton game- it was the great summer of badminton...avoiding a 2/4 yr old racing around in an electric tractor.

I missed our outing to the falls and goats on the roof - feed the goats and they do tricks...this was on our way to the waterfall.

oh lordy...since school has started it's been a whirlwind of activities..............Kids are doing great in school. Coleman loves Mr. Gerrells and it's been a great 4th grade year with academics great and behaviour...cutting down on socialiation...but that's oK., Olivia still has mrs. Gooch and all around doing well. Walker likes/dislikes school like only Walker can but is doing well and can write his same and sings all the songs spontaneously....5 little pumpkins, gingerbread man. Caleb love mothers morning out MMO and wants to go everyday but goes 3 mornings a wk.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

end of summer 2010

Night hanging at the Dahonega Square

Potty training.... not so happy at first but ended up getting the hang of it aftera matchbox car suggestion

First dentist appt -age 4, did great!

caleb-you bend down, ready set go with your jaw clenched and run as hard as you can , so cute, watching the movie spirit with the horses and burying you head into my shoulder when you were scared...thanking God for the horses going to bed prayers Olivia...praying for peace for everyone when coleman was killing the monster spider on the garage wall while I screamed , jumped out of the car , and then settled my self down after reving up the kids. ( spiders aren't my thing...ever...and there is no such thing as a small spider)
coleman...a little helper, buying things at the garage sale...for nana, for me

Coleman and his master lego building skills

walker...being so sweet and sitting during the magic show at Alex's bday party and happy for his friend to get his presents and excited to give him his present

Caleb......swinging the pinata, trying golf...loves all sports, wivia, kalker, knows red, count to 10, likes 5 little monkeys swinging in a tree, alligator purse, wheel on the bus, 'it was a dent, mommy" was an accident :)

walker playing the the mud and I asked if he was making mud pies...and he said "no, I"m making my own diarrhea?" I was playing badminton with Coleman at the time and laid down on the driveway laughing until I cried...that child makes me laugh-whew.

Friday, September 17, 2010

my bday and old fash day 2010

I had a great bday- the kids were sweet and made wonderful cards. Colemna used his money to buy a card and bought me earrings. I tried to talk him out of spending his money but he spent about $30 and said "it's ok mom, you are worth it" lordy, makes me tear up. Olivia and Walker's cards were thoughtful and creative also.

walker- I got to go to Old Fashion Day at Walker's school and we had fun but he didn't want me to leave. I left him with Mrs. Diane (his fave) and when I walked around I didn't see him with her. I walked around to where I parked my car and there he was standing alone at the fence waiting for me with big tears running down his face-whewww, killing me not to cry, smile and wave and cry once I get in he car.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Caleb sayin's "no", "stop it NOW"," shut up" ....(no one is fessin' up to this one) , "you want a piece of me" he's mean mean but then sweet sweet...says, horses in the barn, I go to school..go away mommy, "walker's boo-tee", mommy's boo-tee, coleman's boo-tee..and just add pee or poop to that ...I put him in time and he yells "bad mommy!" ??

walker- will you walk me in mommy and not drop me off....will you hold my hand..stands at the door and kisses and hugs me and watches with his big brown eyes as I walk off. All your questions....I can't answer...endless questions.."why"

Olivia-While the boys are outside chasing each other with swords yelling, and causing a ruckus outside...I'll find her inside...quietly cutting things out for paperdolls, coloring, making things for her friends and teachers....she is working on being neater and yesterday made her bed (looked great like I had done it) and gone the extra mile to pick up and organize her room. This a.m. wanted to take out her trash and made her bed

coleman- Walker former mmo teacher Mrs. Pam telling me Coleman jumped up to help her dghtr Courtney who spilt her milk and got her some paper towels and asked if she needed anything else. A boyscout mom, said he asked her how her boys were enjoying boyscouts and had a polite conversation with her- she was impressed with his manners-so proud.