Saturday, April 24, 2010

syrup, baseball

25 min before leaving for school for the 2 younger boys I run to my room to finish getting ready. I swear it was less than.......ok i'm not sure but Walker very kindly says "I helped Caleb get more syrup for his waffle" As I'm walking into the kitchen I hear Caleb laughing and screeching as I see syrup dripping from his hands as he shampoos his hair with syrup......quick strip off clothes into the shower which apparently ended his party b/c he starts crying somewhat screaming..ok put him in the bath.
no, seriously it's sticky

Caleb loves "bay-ba" "baseball"...he's saying it better now. He loves to get Walker's kleats on, go get the tee, ball, bat and he will play forever putting the ball on the tee over and over and over. " I did it". He started at Christmas holding a stick with great form as if holding a bat and handing us a ball....he wants us to pitch the ball at him but then he just looks at swing...again 3o min at a time. He wears Walker's kleats all the time and calls them "cayweb's keets"...eating, watching t.v., picking up the kids at school...kleats are on...along with the baseball hat. He is also my lap guy....loves to sit right next to me or sit in my lap.....loving it!

And it begins again

So proud of Coleman....has turned it around after a couple of questionable weeks and his teacher commented on his improved attitude and helpfulness, has the high math score .

Olivia....hate to say she is perfect but she's just a little lady (but she can burp her ABCS-just a delicate balance) but she is just a joy and I"m so thankful I"m her mom. I never worry about her behaviour at church or school. She loves for us to write a "word" on each others backs and guess. I wish I could tape their prayers at sweet

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